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[Case] Telemedicine Platform

[Case] Telemedicine Platform


Representative Case Insurance - Process & Operations

Telemedicine Platform

Service-oriented architecture that abstracts the different channels from the complexity of managing video and audio channels, developing wrappers for the different portals and mobile applications.

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The approach

The company has set as a strategic goal that 25%+ of patient consultations will be carried out in a non-face-to-face manner, for which it plans to implement a platform that allows audio and video communication between patients and doctors.


The project provides the company with a multipurpose videoconferencing platform that manages audio and video communications between any type of user, dynamically balancing the load between different WebRTC providers.

In addition to the development of the platform, various integration assignments were carried out with the existing application ecosystem:

  • Native mobile applications
  • Web portals
  • WebRTC providers

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